احدث الاخبار

الحملات الميدانية المشتركة: ضبط(14672)مخالفاً لأنظمة الإقامة والعمل وأمن الحدود خلال أسبوع

بدء تطبيق نظام الرصد الآلي على مخالفات الشاحنات والحافلات في مختلف المناطق غداً

“أمانة المدينة” تعلن توافر عدد من الوظائف للرجال والنساء

أمطارٌ متوقعة بالعاصمة عصر اليوم.. تستمر لـ 11مساءً تشمل محافظات عدة بالمنطقة

حرس الحدود بجازان يقبض على مخالف حاول تهريب 60 كيلوجرامًا من القات المخدر

مكافحة المخدرات بحائل تقبض على مقيم حاول ترويج مواد مخدرة

حرس الحدود بنجران يحبط تهريب 58 كيلوجرامًا من الحشيش المخدر

ورش ومعارض وتفحيط وأكثر.. مخالفات لا يشملها “تخفيض الـ 25%” تكشفها “المرور”

“تقويم التعليم” تشارك في الاجتماع الـ 57 لمجموعة PGB التابعة لمنظمة التعاون الاقتصادي بمالطا

أمانة الباحة تسخّر إمكاناتها الآلية والبشرية لمواجهة آثار الأمطار

“السديري” يفتتح الجناح السعودي المشارك في معرض جنيف الدولي للاختراعات 49

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المشاهدات : 5009
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The Bright side of Coronavirus covid-19 pandemic

The Bright side of Coronavirus covid-19 pandemic

      The coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented challenge to the world. It has hit the world and resulted in far-reaching economic and health impacts. Despite the known dark sides of this pandemic, the question remains: Is there a bright side of coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic?

     No one denies the fact that the Covid-19 claimed the lives of thousands and thousands of people from all over the world. Although Covid19 has serious economic and health consequences that affected most people all over the world regardless of race, color, tongue and region, it has a bright side. One of the bright sides of this pandemic is that it made us rethink about how we should deal with the different crises whether current or future. For example, we have become more aware of the health hazards and the way we should protect ourselves such as social distancing as an efficient way to help stop the spread of this pandemic. Another example, when schools, universities, and facilities were closed, we found alternative methods to continue teaching online. In other words, the coronavirus has encouraged people to use modern technology in order to overcome these challenges that have resulted in closing vital facilities such as schools and universities.

      Finally, no wonder if I say that we should not focus only on the negative sides of Covid-19. There are positive effects on our society such as relying more and more on modern technology in all areas and adopting safe practices in our daily life. The pandemic has also taught us a lot about how to coexist with viruses. Consequently, more than any time before, I am convinced that we cannot do without modern technology in the present or in the future.

Ayedh Robian, holder of Master’s degree in Linguistics in English.
Twitter: @Ayedh62

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