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وزير الدفاع يلتقي وزير الدولة بمكتب رئيس وزراء مملكة السويد

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وزير التعليم يزور جامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد ويشيد بمنجزاتها الأكاديمية

معالي وزير البيئة والمياه والزراعة يرأس الاجتماع الثالث والعشرين لمجلس إدارة المؤسسة العامة للري

وزير الصحة يبدأ زيارة رسمية إلى اليونان

“الإرشاد الزراعي”: الترقيم الإلكتروني للإبل يُسهِم في تحسين السلالات ونجاح مشاريع التربية

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34 مئوية.. الدمام والقنفذة تسجلان أعلى درجة حرارة بالمملكة اليوم والسودة 8 استمرار ت

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أمير الحدود الشمالية يفتتح مركز الدعم والإسناد للدفاع المدني بمحافظة طريف

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The mirage of chatGPT: can it replace human beings

The mirage of chatGPT: can it replace human beings

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-driven natural language processing tool that enables users to have human-like conversations. It can respond to inquiries in a heartbeat. It also assists people to fulfill tasks, like writing essays, emails, and doing research. Thus, the most pressing question remains: can chatGPT replace human beings and be creative like them?

The advent of artificial intelligence has paved the way for a new form of communication between humans and machines. Among the many breakthroughs in this field is the chatGPT, which has been widely used in a variety of applications, such as speech recognition systems, chatbots, and others. One of the most interesting features of GPT is its ability to generate creative, human-like responses because it relies on data input to produce its replies. Moreover, GPT is capable of creating a wide range of responses that are similar to human ones in terms of grammar, syntax, morphology, and even brilliant ideas that sound innovative to humans. However, it should be noted that GPT is a machine-learning model, which means that it does not produce anything on its own or understand what it is saying. It can breed the information required according to the data provided to it. Consequently, GPT’s responses are not based on its own thoughts and emotions, like those made by human beings. Additionally, it does not have the same level of creativity, productivity, and emotional depth as a human being. In other words, the creative responses produced by chatGPT are simply the result of what it has learned from the provided data set. This means that it cannot generate truly new concepts, emotions, or ideas as people do. Suffice to say that although ChatGPT is considered one of the biggest technological revolutions to achieve tasks rapidly, it cannot replace human beings because it is not creative on its own.

In conclusion, GPT is a powerful language model that can give fast responses that imitate human conversations according to the data given to it. Furthermore, it can be used as a useful tool to help its users find patterns of human language that it has been trained to use before. Although some people perceive that it can produce inventive ideas like human beings, I completely think that GPT cannot replace people or be as creative as human beings.

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